Welcome to myGolf help!
We do our best to make sure our pages easily comprehensible, however, there may be some screens which require more explanation than can fit on the page itself, so we make it a point to provide all such help here.
The home screen is where visitors are taking to when they type http://www.mygolf2u.com. Frome here you can visit various areas of myGolf, depending on your login credentials. Members, Organizers and Clubs have access to more information when they login. For help with login and what each type of user can see, click here.
The home page has the following menu items:
Home, About Us, FAQ and Contact Us should be self-explanatory.
For Tournaments and Courses click on the links in the menu, then click on Help on the respective pages.
You may click on Help at any time and you will be presented with the relevant help topics for the page that you are on.
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